Parent Governor (Chair of Academy Committee)
Reason I became a governor.
I am passionate about the opportunities for our children as they work through their school life and beyond. ‘The greatest thing we can give children is the belief that they can be whatever they wish to be, give them the tools to help them get there and build within them the strength to carry on if things get a bit tough along the way.’
How did you find out about the role?
I heard about the vacancy through the school.
What do you like about the role?
I work in educational governance and have other governance interests. I have run my own business for over 25 years and am now the Governance Manager at a Multi Academy Trust in Leicestershire. Communication has been the single biggest factor in the success of my roles. When I began my governance role at Hillocks, I was determined to use this same skill to support and challenge the school leaders. This Autumn I was appointed as the Chair of the Academy Committee, which is an absolute privilege. I am grateful for the good relationships I have with the school staff and leaders and will continue to build relationships with the parents and community at Hillocks, my fellow governors and the leaders of the Trust.